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Purchasing a Compressed Air System

Decisions, decisions ...

Like most good decisions in life, choosing the right air compressor will save you time and help you make money. It’s important to put some thought into what type of compressed air solution will exceed your expectations.

We understand that the choices can be overwhelming so we are here to help you. Our friendly product specialists are always happy to assist with any enquiries.

We will need to know the following information to help you make an informed decision:

  • Where will the compressor be located?
  • What are your space limitations?
  • Do you need a silenced compressor?
  • What duty cycle will the compressor operate at?
  • How much air is used throughout the day?
  • What pressure PSI (kPa) do you require?
  • What are your electrical requirements and limitations?

Rotary screw compressors offer benefits over reciprocating air compressors. Consider whether you would find any of the following features important or advantageous:

  1. Quiet operation in compact, modern designs
  2. Infinitely variable output capabilities
  3. Upgradable, clean, dry instrument-grade compressed air
  4. Stable air pressure and volume
  5. Smooth, vibration-free operation

On the other hand, reciprocating air compressors do offer advantages in specific applications. These include:

  1. Low capital cost
  2. Ideal for light duty applications
  3. Low tech

If you’d like assistance to choose the right air compressor system for your application, our trade qualified and experienced product specialists are ready to help.

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